Royal Maharlika Tribes 1 Nation

The ROYAL MAHARLIKA TRIBES 1 – NATION (RMT1-N) is anorganization embodying as One Nation, One Federal, One Maharlika, One Family, One God. It aims to instill Self Governance, Self Determination, Self Reliance and Empowerment of Indigenous People (Ips) of the Country. By its active and steadfast participation
in building the community, It proposes several projects, which could sustain the livelihood, regional/national economic development at which generations of Citizenry will be responsible towards the preservation of cuture and the environment at which we live in.

Our Mission
“I am a Sultan I have my Mission”
King of Maharlika / RMT1N A Sole Omnibus Beneficiary Of All Heritage Accounts and Administrator
Signatory of Natural Resources and World Assets
Royal Maharlika Grand Chieftain, Spiritual Judge / Founding Chairman
Royal Maharlika Advisory Council and
Royal Maharlika Tribes 1-Nation Inc., National Chief
Federal State Rajahnate of Maharlika as Self-Governance
Principal Office Address
The COMMISSION ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND POVERTY ERADICATION PROGRAM – RMTIN is one of the integral institutions under the ROYAL MAHARLIKA TRIBES 1-NATION, INC. AND FEDERAL STATE RAJAHNATE OF MAHARLIKA AS SELF GOVERNANCE with office address Phase4 Block4 Lot1 Country Homes, Ayala Subdivision, Zamboanga City, Philippines with E-mail address: drsultansaud1958@gmail.com and kingofmaharlika@gmail.com with Contact Number 0926-0562360 and 0935-3439490.
Legal Basis
The ROYAL MAHARLIKA TRIBES 1-NATION, INC. AND FEDERAL STATE RAJAHNATE OF MAHARLIKA AS SELF GOVERNANCE was organized pursuant with the solemn proclamation of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Human Rights relative to I.L.O. 169, the UN Declaration of Rights of the Indigenous People under the International Customary Law, and the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act 8371 Section 13, to wit: “The State recognizes the inherent right of the ICCs/IPs to self-governance and self-determination and respect the integrity of their values, practice and institutions. Consequently, the State shall guarantee the right of ICCs/IPs to freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development”.
Mission / Vision
The COMMISSION envisioned for an efficient and value-adding institution driven with integration and development process in close collaboration with member states, the Regional Economic Communities and the Indigenous Peoples (IPs) to include Muslims, Lumads and Christians. Think Rajahnate above all, and respect for diversity and teamwork are imperatives to govern the function and operation of the Commission.
General Objective
The Commission on Development and Self-Governance of the Royal Maharlika Tribes One Nation, Inc. shall implement a holistic Livelihood and Agricultural Enterprises Development A the Approaches providing mostly the marginal sectors the opportunities for employment and income generation in the rural communities. The selection of the Livelihood and Agricultural Enterprise Projects as policy of the Commission shall be based on Best Practices which are found to the economically viable, environmentally sound and just.
This is to help the Marginal Sectors up to the point they can help themselves and for them to share the blessing of their tireless efforts to other members of the community who may in dire needs of such assistance.
Development Objectives:
To improve the economic and social welfare of the people of Mindanao, Luzon and Visayas which can be indicated by:
Stability of peace and order in the rural communities.
Increasing community involvement and participation to productive economic activities.
Increasing rural employment and income.
Increasing efficiency and subsequent productivity.
Insuring economic development sustainability.
Promoting equity and empowerment.
To corporate with the government entities, non-government organizations, and other people organizations with both local and international scope of operations for effective coordination and convergences;
To ensure equitable access of poor communities to assets, resources, and services of the Commission, non-government organizations, local government units, and national government, and international organizations;
To ensure high quality agricultural production competitive from both domestic and world markets;
To improve the quality of the farmer produces by providing and upgrading the post-harvest facilities;
To provide other livelihood opportunities to farmers and fisher folks as additional and/or alternative source of incomes.
To help establish academic, science and technology, vocational, research center, and other short term educational development programs that will contribute to the development of agricultural livelihood and enterprises;
To increase productivity and income generation through the development of livelihood enterprise, and more economic activities;
To empower poverty groups especially the smallholding farmers for the improvement of their community and quality of life; and
To modernize agriculture and fishery sec-based industrytors from resource-based to a technology-based industry.
Commission Thrusts and Services
One of the program development thrusts of the Commission are the livelihood and Built-Built rice agriculture enterprise development related as its priority in project identification, and implementation in order to generate employment and income, alleviate poverty and address the other factors besetting agricultural and industrial development which at the end can contribute to the strengthening Commission in achieving the lasting peace of Mindanao, Luzon and Visayas.
The other concerns of the livelihood and agricultural enterprises development programmed for Mindanao, Luzon and Visayas will address specifically the following situation, to wit:
Low productivity in Agriculture and Industrial Production Outputs;
Shortage of food due to occurrence of both natural and man-made calamities;
Degradation of ecology and environment;
Non-access of low-income group to funding/financing of both government and private institutions;
Inaccessibility of the raw product producers to basic post-harvest and processing facilities;
Not prevailing of peace and order in the rural communities;
Inadequate infrastructure facilities and supports to all livelihood and agricultural enterprises development program and projects; and
Displaced Farming communities affected during and after the military confrontation with Armed Forces of the Philippines and the MILF, MNLF, NPA, and BIFF.
Prior Program and Project
The project listed below shall be presented with executive summary and budgetary requirement as soon the guidelines provided by the National Commission. All the proposed project shall be subjected to intensified and critical feasibility studies to ensure the success of the implementation and with assured Return of Investment (ROI) of no less than 12 percent to the project proponent/beneficiaries and the Commission.
Below are the list of the projects submission proposed to be developed and implemented, to wit:
Propose Housing project for the poor;
Community livelihood empower project;
Rubber estate plantation nucleus development project;
Marginal deep sea fisherfolks integrated development project;
Royal Integrated Agriculture Farming Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao;
Royal Maharlika Barangay Convinience Mini Mart
Nucleus and satellite farm cluster for high value fruits and organic vegetable production project complex;
Production and processing of African Oil Palm project;
Coconut, cacao product processing complex project;
Sky way project connect island to island;
Murrah water buffalo dairy project;
Cattle feedlot fattening project;
Goat breeding, production, and dairy project;
Royal Maharlika Prime City Isla Verde, Davao City
Craft village development project;
Mariga lupa soil bricks and ceramic development project;
Antipas white clay ceramic project;
Kenaf fiber development project;
Revival of bamboo and cotton growing in Mindanao, Luzon, and Visayas project;
Halal food production, processing, and marketing integrated project; and
Hydro, solar, Reburbished & turbine 750MW.
Bunawan Economic Zone Davao City
Organizational Structure
The Commission is under an Executive Committee chaired by a Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The field operation is directly headed by an Executive Director, who is assisted by three (3) Commissioners, eighteen (18) Regional Chief and Provincial Chief, each to represent Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, respectively.
Functions / Responsibilities
The Commission is tasked primarily to provide an overarching vision and policy framework to accelerate economic co-operation; integrate all recognized and non-recognized majority tribes in the Philippines and around the world; to manage the transfer of cash and digital currency of all heritage account around the world, and the financial and banking system of the Royal Maharlika Tribes 1-Nation, Inc. and Federal State Rajahnate of Maharlika As Self Governance
Support and Recognition
The Commission gained all-out support and recognition from the Royal Maharlika Advisory Council, the 25 Rajahnates of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, the UPB Royal Sultanate of Sulu Archipelago, the Sabah and Borneo Foundation Inc., and the Sultan Saud Resources Development Corporation.
More importantly, the Rajahnate shares its effort to (1) achieve genuine unity and solidarity among the 75,000 tribes around the world, 135 tribes of which are here in the Philippines; (2) defend the sovereignty, territorial integrity and self-governance of its kin member states; (3) accelerate the political and social economic integration of the Rajahnates; (4) promote transparency and accountability, integrity and impartiality, efficiency, professionalism, and information and knowledge sharing, and (5) encourage the development of service culture for the entire organization.
Program and Service Management
To support the flagship programs of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, the economic priority agenda of the Commission include the following: (1) Livelihood Development (2) Housing (3) Tourism (4) Education (5) Health (6) Poverty Eradication and (7) Infrastructure.
Specifically, the Commission will take the initiative:
For responsible and good governance (zero corruption and zero poverty) in all national agencies of the government operating in the Mindanao, Luzon and Visayas;
As an overseer in the implementation of programs and services to the Mindanao, Luzon and Visayas Tri-People Muslims, Christians and Lumads;
As program/project recipient, spearhead the advocacy on the right spending of government resources/funds to deliver fair benefits to all ICCs/IPs constituents nationwide;
On peace development, empowerment and social services program, undertake indigenous and systematic process of dignified diplomacy and reconciliatory activities so as to come up with the atmosphere of understanding and mutual agreement making Mindanao, Luzon and Visayas a desired place for a global industrial region;
On government projects and foreign funded projects to be implemented by the administration, participate as observer/recipient to the binding process so as to closely monitor its implementing schemes and report any irregularities of responsible officers in all implementation accomplishments; and
Providing the planning and management expertise to meet the needs of rural and urban indigent communities in Mindanao, Luzon and Visayas for socially and ecologically sustainable development resulting from allied leaderships with practical experience in natural resources management, community development, infrastructure improvement, human resources development and training.
Which include optimizing the people benefits through Omnibus Beneficiary for heritage assets if the nation, assets of cash locked, assets in AU, Transferable International Bonds.
To contribute to Build-Build-Build Program in terms of critical infrastructures like roads, railways, hospitals, affordable housing etc.
To finance or supply the needs of our less fortunate people with setting up “Food Bank Centers”, free Education Elementary Schools, Local Clinics etc.
To provide sustainable growth by developing large open lands for cash crop cultivations “People Community Markets”, other agriculture activities etc.
King of Maharlika/Founding Chairman
Royal Maharlika Grand Chieftain, Spiritual Judge/Founding Chairman
Royal Maharlika Advisory Council and
Royal Maharlika Tribes 1-Nation, Inc. / National Chief
Federal State Rajahnate of Maharlika As Self Governance

We, the Royal Maharlika Tribes 1-Nation and Federal State Rajahnate of Maharlika as Self-Governance and Pilipino Muslim Christian Account (PMCA) People’s as Sole Omnibus Beneficiary of all Heritage Accounts and off balance sheet accounts of the World Assets and Resources Recorded in different Treaties and Bilateral Agreement and abide with United Nation RES IP-9 and to give us Liberty via gift of the Treaty Agreement of Art IV Embargo Act 1809 “QUOTED” which included is optimizing the peoples benefits as Omnibus Beneficiary for Heritage Assets of the Nations and Facilitate that Royal Maharlika Tribes 1-Nation and Federal State Rajahnate as Sole Omnibus Beneficiary of the Collateral House and Trust for funding Humanitarian Project Charity.
We, the Sovereign chosen Maharlikans, implementing will plan and purpose of Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society, and establish a Self Government that is fully guided by the Holy Spirit that shall embody our ideals and aspirations and promote the common good conserve and develop our patrimony secure to ourselves and our prosperity in governance the blessings of Independence and Democracy under the Rule of Law, Pursuant of Republic Act 8371 IPRA Law of 1997 and United Nations Declaration of support to Indigenous People’s, as a vehicle for Self Governance and Empowerment, a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate this as Constitution. (See Attached Organizational Chart)
We, as the Sovereign Maharlikans from our birth of this great Maharlika Nation to this very day and beyond hereafter, will be implementing a Socio Economic well being Master Plan involving every human ethnicity, race, religion, society irrespective Locality,
Region, City, District or Barangay or Village, whether urban, suburban or remote through the recognition of a SELF GOVERNANCE as registered and recognised by the Philippine Government and the United Nations under the Provisions Republic Act 8371 IPRA Law of 1997 and United Nations declaration of the Indigenous People of Philippines (Maharlika Nation). Our purpose of Self Governance is to prioritize eliminating poverty, building up constructive socio-economy of each Maharlikan Community(s), to create abundance business opportunies, community economies, modern agriculture structures and marketing, boost in medical and health care services, free Elementary School Education from beginner to elementary to Higher Education, twelve (12) monthly structured savings bank contribution into each RMTIN registered member to support livelihood of the people, to establish food supply bank with cash and commodities to eliminate starvation and underground "crimes". Through RMTIN in strategic partnerships with reliable Local and International Corporations and Financial Institutions thus allowing RMTIN to access Local and International funds in multiple forms of assistance, in cash, Bank Instruments, Financial Bonds and even Gold Bullion as reserves as collateral. In brief conclusion, We Royal Maharlika One Nation is clear in direction for the Maharlika people towards Independence, Democracy, Peace under the Rule of Law, and benefiting to all race, religion and towards. “ONE ETHNIC NATION, ONE FEDERAL, ONE MAHARLIKA, ONE FAMILY ONE GOD”
Attested By:
King of Maharlika / Chairman and CEO
Royal Maharlika Grand Chieftain, Spiritual Judge Founding Chairman
Royal Maharlika Advisory Council
Royal Maharlika Tribes 1-National/National Chief
Federal State Rajahnate of Maharlika As Self-Governance