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Lost Land of Maharlika

Only one royal family holds the title for the whole Philippines, Borneo, Guam, Marianas Island, Hawaii, Da Nang Vietnam, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Kuril Islands, etc.
The Land of Maharlika was composed of the Philippines, Borneo, Guam, Marianas Island, and Hawaii, and was ruled by a certain King Luisong Tagean [later changed to Tallano for fear of Spanish execution].
Other territories that were said to be paying tributes to the Maharlikan Kingdom include:

  1. Da Nhang – Vietnam,

  2. Hong Kong,

  3. Taiwan,

  4. Kuril Islands
















King Luisong ruled the entire kingdom from Luzon [named after him], the northern part of what is now known as The Republic of the Philippines, a registered corporate entity.
This claim is supported by surveys made as early as the 9th century, acknowledged by the British monarchy in the 14th century. However, court documents, land title OCT No. T-01-4, indicates the Tagean [Tallano] Clan only owns the whole Philippine archipelago, but ignored the other parts of the Maharlikan Kingdom, i.e. Sabah Borneo, Marianas Islands, Guam, and Hawaii —  an early attempt at a major land grab by the British and other colonialists.
Even in the 1935 Philippine Constitution, the number of islands was further reduced from 7,169 to 7,100 only, by the oligarch-controlled legislative.
“There will come a time that the poorest of the poor will no longer be squatters in this country.”– Prince Julian Morden Tallano



Compilations and Research, Harnessed by Different Conduits of












In 1478 Moslems from the Malayan Peninsula crossed the Malacca Strait and conquered Java, the captal of Madjapahit Empire. Subsequently, the Malay/ Srivijaya/ Madjapahit disintegrated. In its place, a Moslem religious government was established inaugurating the reign of Sultanates.


A family of MAHARAJAHS AND RAJAHS, TAGEAN, was then ruling the Madjapahit Empire. They retreated and consolidated their position in a group of 7,169 islands, known as the MAHARLIKA (now Philippines) away from the oncoming Moslems. Being a descendant of royal Malayan blood, the Tagean family had its share of power, authority and riches from the collected taxes during its 900

Year rule in the empire, and even two millennia earlier when there was commerce with King Solomon of Israel.


The Maharajah and his sons, the rajahs, ruled the Maharlika using their own laws, the CODE OF KALANTIAW. The Maharlika was a very rich and flourishing country. By the early sixteenth century, the ruling maharajah, Luisong Tagean, had 720,000 metric tons of gold that he kept in present day Kota Kinabalu, Sabah or North Borneo. At that time, Sabah was part of the Maharlika.


The Maharlika – The Richest Country In the World Today


The original 720,000 metric tons of gold left by the Filipinos’ Benevolent Forefather, Luisong Tagean, MAHARAJAH OF THE MAHARLIKA, is mind-boggling. From this, the 640,000 metric tons that was brought to Vatican in 1939 and back to the vault of the Central Bank of the Maharlika (617,500 metric tons) on January 7, 1949 could have made the Maharlika a First World country. The Marcos-Diaz alliance deposited their earned 192,000 metric tons of gold in one Swiss Bank and not stashed away in 54 countries, as some individuals in government want the Filipino people to believe. From that, the daily interest earned for this country should be more than enough so that Filipino need not borrow from the Oppressive IMF and WB or leave their families and go abroad to earn dollars.


History will show that the money was not stashed away and inaccessible but available to truly deserving Filipinos. There was nothing secret about the Marcos accounts. These accounts were only made secret by some people in the government so that the public would not know its real story. But, nowadays, some of them are secretly trying to withdraw from the Marcos accounts for themselves. However, each time they attempt to do this abroad they end up in jail.


Here is another mind-boggling food for thought. In 15 Japanese banks alone, the Marcos-Diaz consortium deposited 44,000 ( part of the remaining 720,000) metric tons of gold ( also minted RP-CB) and made liquid to a total of US $ 518,559,000,000.00 ( 518,6 billion dollars) between 1962 to 1974 earning an average of 1,5% non-compounded interest per year. There are more tons of gold in other banks around the world.


Gold for gold, dollar for dollar, this country, the Maharlika is the RICHEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. During a talk show in a US TV the week following the bombing of  the New York Twin Towers, Pres. Bush asked this question : Which is the richest  country in the world today? With a smile he said : “The Philippines.”

Marcos knew it, but he could not talk. The thirty-year period (starting 1946) for the gold claims of the “Claimants of World War II Loot “( as determined by the International Court of Justice in Hague) was extended by ten years more. That was to be the year  1986. At that time they made sure that Marcos would no longer talk.

After kidnapping him from Malacaňang, they put him in a golden prison in Hawaii.


So much about the ‘sarsuela’ of the 1986 EDSA People Power Revolution, the Roman Catholic Archbishop, his priests, the seminarians , his nuns and his blinded followers who just PRAY , PAY AND OBEY. These traitors on the Filipino people did a good job in favor of those two foreign almighty powers.





The Filipinos are truly God’s Maharlika, a Royalty. God’s hands had been here since the moment of creation. Raw gold is plentiful under the soil and on the riverbeds of this land. for 2,500 years, God’s Chosen People, the Israelites and the Assyrians, have been trespassing these islands in their spice trade uplifting the culture and literacy of the Maharlika. When the Moslems conquered the Madjapahit Empire in 1478, the surviving Malayan royal clan went to the Maharlika, bringing their 720,000 metric tons of gold.


The Spanish came in 1521 and halted the advance of Mohammedanism, limiting them to the southwestern extremity of the Maharlika. But providentially, the presence of the Moslems there kept the gold outside the reach of the greedy


Spaniards. In 1762, the British came to set the records straight in the minds of the land grabbing Spaniards, lay and religious. In 1939, 640,000 metric tons of the Maharlika  gold in Sabah was lent to the Vatican. The gold was kept there for ten years. In the European banking system, the interest earned by the Vatican from the gold was enormous. Whatever ‘utang na loob’ (debt of gratitude) the Catholic Filipinos owed the Vatican for maintaining Christianity here was amply paid for.


 In 1949, that gold was shipped back to the Maharlika. Again using the world banking system, Marcos secured his commission in gold and other treasures buried

and found here in banks around the world so that at the time of maturity, it would enrich and raise this nation, the Maharlika, to be a First World country. His genius built a foolproof safely procedure so that nobody would be able to steal that money.


All that gold and riches now legitimately owned by the Filipino people can be a blessing or a curse. It definitely is a curse for many of the rich and powerful who taint their hands and their hearts by amassing the bigger portion of the wealth of this country to the exclusion of the poor who struggle and work “for the crumbs that fall from the rich man’s table.” On the other hand, it can be a blessing for the majority in this country, the demarginalized poor. It can be “manna” from heaven to build up this nation so that it can be conducive for people to live in dignity befitting true children of God and heirs of the Eternal Father’s abundant blessings both on earth and in heaven.














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